Summary: Inspiration, training and support in establishing own gardening projects Where: Berlin, Germany Collaborators: Die GRÜNE LIGA Berlin and Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Website: The project entitled ‘Growing together - gardening as a contribution to integration’ is an initiative run by the Green Liga and supported by the Berlin Senate. It aims to include all Berliners who are interested in community growing and developing gardening skills. Local associations, neighbourhood groups, cooperatives, businesses, schools, shelters, refugee homes, disability support, and all interested citizens are welcome to develop their own gardening initiatives. Green Liga inspires, motivates and supports new gardening projects in local communities by organising seminars and workshops on community gardening as well as providing individual and community consultations. In 2016, over 20 community gardening initiatives were undertaken throughout Berlin as part of the project: flowerbeds in courtyards, community gardens in local neighbourhoods and in emergency shelters, and school projects. Green Liga also runs a competition for the best gardening initiative that champions inclusion, integration and wellbeing.
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Summary: Curated online and offline information hub for refugees and asylum seekers Where: Berlin, Germany Collaborators: place / making, Association for Socio-Cultural Work e. V. Bezirksamtes Reinickendorf, Albatros gGmbH Website: In 2015, at a high point in Syrian refugee arrivals in Germany, the Integration Commissioner of Berlin-Reinickendorf outlined a key challenge: “The problem are not missing services for refugees but ways to better communicate the existing ones where the people are actually living.” InfoCompass is an integrated approach, supporting information flows between asylum seekers and refugees, professional supporters, organisations, and volunteers. It provides a service which collects, structures and locates support and activity offers and sources of general information. Online information mapping is supported by physically located and staffed Info Points throughout Berlin. InfoCompass provides a crowdsourced, collaborative gathering of information; crucially, however, this is supported as much as possible by an editorial team which check entries and provide good-quality translation. |